New Carpet Smell Elimination

New Carpet Smell Elimination 

new carpetInitially, a new carpet brings a new and fresh look to a setting. That newness also brings in a particular smell of something clean. However, many people prefer something other than that new carpet smell. Removing new carpet smells can be challenging and eventually fade in time. Meanwhile, there are more than a few ways to help speed that method along. Here’s how you can reduce it as much as possible.

For help, phone the professionals at Steam n Dry Auckland Carpet Cleaners, located in West Auckland, East, South Auckland North Shore, Hibiscus Coast, over three decades, on 0800 783-266. Indeed, we are a qualified and certified carpet cleaner. We make your carpet clean and odour-free.

Getting Rid Of That New Carpet Smell

First, go with a carpet that has Carpet and Rug Institute tags. Those carpets are known to have low-emission chemicals.

Then, before installing the carpet, expose it in a dry, well-ventilated room for about two to three days. This way will help the carpet to release most of its chemical fumes.

Also, it’s better to have the carpet tacked down instead of glue. Glueing will increase the chemicals, which is not advisable, and the smell of glue is disturbing.

Home Remedies

  1. Sprinkle baking soda throughout the carpet and let it sit for two or three hours. If the rug is in a room that can be closed off for a short time, leave it overnight. Finally, vacuum it all up and go over it again if the irritating aroma persists.
  2. Mix equal vinegar and water in a spray bottle, then spray on the carpet. Allow it to dry, and repeat the process if required.
  3. Open the windows and place a fan inside the room to circulate the air through the new carpet. If this room can be closed off, do so to prevent the smell from spreading to the house.
  4. Place plants in the location with the troublesome carpet. Plants aid in freshening the air. Keep the windows open to facilitate fresh air circulation.
  5. Ideally, close off the room, cut up one whole apple or onion, and place it in a water bowl. Allow the bowl to sit in the middle of the space overnight – this will indeed assist in absorbing odours lingering in the air.


Updated Last: February/28/2024 By Graeme Stephens