Carpet Buying Tips

Carpet Buying Tips Auckland

carpet buying tips

Most people wait to buy carpets regularly; some may only purchase rugs a few times. As a result, it’s easy for customers to become perplexed by the carpet buying tips and end up with a carpet that doesn’t meet their requirements.

Here are a few simple carpet-buying tips to look out for when purchasing any new carpet. Consider the following carpet-buying tips;

  • Density describes the pile of yarn in the carpet and how close the tufts are to one another. Generally, the rule of thumb is that the denser, the better. Examine the density by bending the carpet sample in a U shape with the tufts facing out. The fewer carpet backings that you see, the denser the carpet is.
  • There are carpet classification scheme labels on the back of carpet samples. These give information on their durability as well as suitability to different locations.
  • Bear in mind that cheaper carpets may look scruffy within a few years. It is worth investing in a fibre that will carry on.
  • Match the wear status – medium, bulky, or extra heavy – to the area you will be carpeting. For example, stairs will need extra-heavy carpeting as they take a lot of wear and tear.
  • Bring the samples home and check them in each room with different lighting. The carpet can show secondary colours in various versions from the shop’s selection or minor variations between production runs, but these shouldn’t be too noticeable.
  • Ensure carpet installation is your last redecorating job, i.e., after wallpapering, painting or any construction.
  • Protect your carpet by placing furniture caps under the legs of heavy furniture.
  • Move furniture occasionally (or just a few centimetres) to prevent uneven wear and tear.

Proper Care And Routine Maintenance

  • It may not look filthy, but it’s essential to vacuum your carpet at least once a week. The reason is that removing soil will reduce the abrasive forces on the pile fibre, increasing lifespan and making it more hygienic for your family.
  • To prevent staining, you have to clean immediately after a spillage. Use the appropriate chemical for the type of carpet you have and the type of stain – seek advice from the manufacturer or a qualified carpet cleaner.
  • Carpets must be hot-water extracted (steam cleaned) every 1-2 years and can be maintenance cleaned (dry cleaned) in the interim. To learn more about carpet cleaning, see Carpet Cleaning.

Carpet Buying Tips 

Carpets should last, on average, more than ten years. It may depend on many factors, for instance, usage, the quality of the rug and how well it is maintained. Several good-quality carpets that are well-cared do last a lot longer. Protect your investment and choose the best carpeting for your home with these carpet-buying tips.


Updated Last: 25/April/2024 By  Graeme Stephens.